our solutions

Unlock your team's true performance potential

Our technology facilitates the right alignment of individuals with the right roles, teams, and environment. When individuals are able to work in an environment where they feel aligned, their performance reaches new levels.

When performance increases, at both an individual and team level, work takes on a new sense of purpose.  When individuals and team’s feel genuine purposefulness in the work they deliver, we change the talent game. 

for corporate enterprises

Unleash the Potential of your Organization

Performance Optimization

Uncover the patterns and characteristics of your top performers and use that knowledge to replicate their success within your organization.

Understand the key factors that contribute to high performance and strategically integrate them into your talent management initiatives and beyond.

Aligning Values and Culture

Evaluate the current state of values and culture within your organization and compare it to your desired or future state.

Identify any gaps and use these insights to drive strategic talent initiatives that align with your desired values and culture. Ensure that your employees are living the values you aim to cultivate.

Strategic Recruitment and Talent Mobility

Prioritize fit with your organization's values and environment, rather than solely focusing on skills and experience during both external and internal hiring.

By assessing the alignment between candidates and your organization's culture, you can take more calculated risks and discover talent with the potential for growth and long-term success.

Sustainable Diversity Advancement

Our unbiased evaluation methods ensure that individuals can genuinely connect and contribute in environments that embrace and celebrate diverse perspectives and contributions.

By prioritizing diversity and inclusion, we help organizations create a culture that values and leverages the unique strengths of individuals from all backgrounds, and drives a sense of belonging.

Seamless Data Insights

Gain access to comprehensive talent data and connected insights throughout the entire talent cycle and across your organisation, all in one platform.

With unlimited usage, backed by scientific evaluation methods, our evaluation takes only moments to complete, ensuring high completion rates and providing valuable data at your fingertips, in real time.

for Talent Providers

Transformative Talent Acquisition Partnerships 

Elevate Your Value Proposition

Showcase your strategic partnership and add value to your clients and customer base by introducing innovation through HireGains.

Our unique proposition for talent acquisition sets you apart, ensuring that you stand out as a strategic partner that understands the unique dynamics between talent and the environment in which they can thrive.

Exceptional Talent, Rapidly

Broaden your talent pool and secure top-quality candidates who will genuinely connect and contribute to your clients' team environments.

Our approach goes beyond traditional methods, uncovering overlooked and diverse talent, resulting in an inclusive and innovative work atmosphere. With HireGains, you can deliver the right talent faster and exceed your clients' expectations.

Unleash Unmatched Efficiency

Stay ahead of the competition with our cutting-edge evaluation process, which positions us as the fastest in the market, taking only 6 minutes or less to complete.

Our scientific approach evaluates candidates and team environments, enabling you to swiftly match the right candidates to your clients' specific requirements.

With HireGains, you'll achieve remarkable efficiency in candidate selection and placement.

The Optimal Experience

Instantly provide candidates and hiring managers with easy-to-understand reports upon completing our assessment, and improve the experience for your key stakeholders in the hiring process.

Our unique approach empowers hiring managers with necessary insights, facilitating meaningful hiring conversations. Candidates gain a comprehensive overview of team preferences, enabling them insight ahead of the key hiring steps. 

Renewing Client Engagement

Harness our solutions to strengthen your client relationship. Showcase the transformative impact of HireGains for talent acquisition, illustrating how our solutions drive improved business outcomes and enhance client satisfaction.

With our comprehensive approach, you can confidently demonstrate added value and solidify your position for ongoing engagement, fostering a long-lasting and successful partnership.